**Tyrrell County Inner Banks Hotline Check Presentation

We help you

November 6, 2015 by

We help you

Inner Banks Hotline  is the sole provider of no-cost comprehensive domestic violence services in Tyrrell and Washington counties.  Our services include a 24/7 crisis line, a safe house, court advocacy services, support groups, and crisis counseling.

Challenges faced by our target population include lack of transportation, need for child care, lack of education, lack of family support for continuing their education and/or employment, lack of knowledge about effective parenting practices, domestic violence, and homelessness.

Our vision is to eradicate domestic violence in the counties that we serve.  Our mission is to help families break the cycle of domestic violence and acquire the skills necessary to promote healthy family relationships.

If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call our Crisis Line at 252.796.5526